Education expert in conversation with the correspondent of Fars with emphasis that students can not learn all the concepts in textbooks for the night waiting for test scores has had much desirable, said: students must have considered the end of the test examination of the academic year exams just like other quantitative importance of the resulting score, but much more different level of hardness and other tests Aznzr no questions parents should try to place the injection stress
A large part of the book Biology Volume Pyshdanshgahy evolution and related topics that reflect the allocation of educational systems and the efforts of this world is subject. چرا آموزش تکامل تا این اندازه مهم است؟ Evolution so why education is important? بسیاری از پرسشهای زیستشناسی را میتوان بدون اشاره به تکامل پاسخ داد. Biology can be many questions without
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Understand the great gift of Rasoul Akram (صلی against Allah and ghodratallah) to Fatima (PBUH) has granted, that is to describe the human remains incapable of speech and the only source of Holy (PBUH) is to size can benefit Brkatsh was
امام باقر (علیه السلام) درباره تسبیح حضرت فاطمه (سلام الله علیها)، مىفرماید: Imam Baqir (PBUH) about Fateme Rosary (PBUH) stated: